Sunday 22 May 2016

Widening my Tinder search area through House Sitting

There has been an unexpected and MAJOR bonus to house sitting.  Through my varying locations, my Tinder search area for a husband boyfriend date has almost tripled. Unbelievable!
Please refer to {fig.1} which displays the extended search area.

I have become so mathematical in my saving scheme mindset that I inadvertently created a VENN DIAGRAM ('sup Stephen Hawking?  I see you).  Further mathematical diagnostics conclude that the venn intersection represents the area I am statistically most likely to find a date.  RESULT - The centre of the Manukau Harbour!

Please refer to {fig.2}, my physical search in the harbour.  I feel so at ease under water.
Anyway, back to basic mathematics - if my dating potential has increased 3 times, what is three times zero 'cause baby, that's my number!

Gosh things are swell.  Get itSwell.  'Cause you know what else swells?  The ocean.

PG rated yours, 

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