Friday, 27 May 2016

I've found a loop hole!

I have found an incredible way to get in to the property market and CANNOT believe this has not been discovered and depleted by property investors already.  But not everyone is as lateral thinking as me.  Regardless, I like to share.

What if I was to tell you that you can get a your very own piece of land for $1350?  That's all you have to pay.  Lawns are included and the neighbours are super quiet.  Although, when they do throw parties they're quite depressing.

Any guesses?  That's right!  A plot of land at a CEMETERY!

Admin fees $40 and adding a monument $150 blah blah blah - all incidentals.  The main thing is I can finally get on the property ladder.  

Welcome to my new home, took me ages to save...
 We all know I love basic maths - check this out:

Each plot is approx 2.5m2
Each plot is $1350
For 100m2 of land, it would cost me $54,000!  Bargain

If I buy this, I can use my new equity to get a house and I'll be covered for all stages of life and death.  

No need to thank me.

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