Monday 16 May 2016


In February 2016 I returned from 3 years across the Tasman to discover that not only can I no longer afford to buy a house in Auckland, but the rental market is also extortionate.

To give a brief back story in 2013 I decided to move to Melbourne to seek greener pastures.  After 3 years I realised the pastures were brown and full of snakes.  Whoops.  I am single, in my early 30's and have an incredible ability to not commit to anything...  over a few wines I concluded that house sitting was perfect.

So bullet pointed plan below:
1.  Return to Auckland
2.  House sit for 1 whole year (in various properties and locations)
3.  Aggressively save some dollar dollar billz
4.  Buy my first property

The return to Auckland bit was easy.  Select flight, enter credit card, commence 4 week liquidation sale.

Finding House sits has actually proved fairly easy too (so far, until this blog probably).  I have a number of awesome friends who travel a lot, I have listed with a house sitting website and started a Facebook page. Much advertising, very cookies.

These are my stats so far:
97 days in Auckland
53 days house sitting
44 days in between house sits
NB:  Included in the 44 are a couple of nights staying with friends, looking after a sick family member, a cancellation and one fancy night in a backpackers in Ponsonby.

Over the coming weeks I will entertain you with such sassy topics as "House Sitting, is it for me?" "My Friend, The Bank" "How to Save and Still have a Social Life" and "Widening my Tinder search area through House Sitting".

Buckle your seat belts and sit patiently for an update in probably, let's face, it about 4 weeks when I remember my new found commitment to bloggi.... (trails off)  I hope I can provide some entertainment and insight while I seek the once obtainable kiwi dream - owning my own property.

This blog better be good or it is going to be way more embarrassing than tons of stuff that happens online.

Righto - off to hide under the pillows in a strangers bed.


  1. I like it, I like it a lot!

  2. Awesome! I want to hear your funny stories and about the pets you encounter

  3. Nicely done Randall. Nicely done.
